Daftar Harga Katalog Produk Emina Kosmetik Terbaru 2020

Daftar Harga Katalog Produk Emina Kosmetik Terbaru 2020

Emina Kosmetik - Tak banyak kosmetik dari Indonesia yang diperuntukkan bagi remaja. Padahal, remaja di Indonesia butuh produk make-up yang sesuai denagn tekstur dan jenis kulit mereka. Tak perlu menunggu lama, kini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation yang membawahi Wardah dan Make Over baru saja merilis produk yang ditargetkan untuk remaja putri.

Kosmetik bernama Emina menampilkan 'dirinya' dengan kesan muda dan menyenangkan. Kesan playful tersebut sangat terlihat dari kemasannya yang penuh warna dengan ilustrasi yang girly.

Tidak hanya kemasannya yang menarik, kosmetik yang dipasarkan pada April mendatang itu juga unggul dalam formulanya. Karena targetnya untuk kaum muda, maka formulanya dibuat ringan, namun warnanya tetap pigmented.

Kosmetik Emina cukup lengkap, mulai dari BB Cream, loose powder, eyeshadow dan lipstik dengan pilihan warna yang banyak mulai dari yang lembut hingga bold. Sehingga para remaja bisa bereksperimen dengan make-up.

Katalog Emina Kosmetik

Make-up lain yang diunggulkan adalah produk bernama 'Cheek Lit'. Adalah blush on cair yang bentuknya seperti lip gloss. Warnanya pun pada awalnya seperti lip gloss yang tanpa warna, namun setelah dipulaskan di pipi, maka warnanya akan berubah menjadi pink. Cara penggunaannya mudah cukup dipulaskan dengan jari. Buat kalian yang penasan dengan harganya, yup langsung saja simak informasi selengkapnya dibawah ini.

Bedak dan Make Up EminaHarga
Emina Cheek Lit Pressed Blush SugarcaneRp 31.000
Emina Cheek Lit Pressed Blush Marshmallow LadyRp 32.000
Emina Bare With Me Compact Powder Amber 03Rp 35.000
Emina Bare With Me Compact Powder Ebony 04Rp 36.000
Emina Bwm Loose Pwd L.B02 (Dr)Rp 36.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow GelatoRp 36.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Cherry BlossomRp 36.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow GelatoRp 36.000
Emina Bwm Loose Pwd L.B02 (Dr)Rp 36.000
Emina Cheeklit B/O Bit Sw (Dr)Rp 37.000
Emina Bare With Me Compact Powder Fair 01Rp 36.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Sugar CaneRp 36.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 03 AmberRp 36.000
Emina Cty Ch Cc Cake Peac DrRp 38.000
Emina Cty Chic Cc Cake Lt DrRp 38.000
Emina Cty Ch Cc Cake Mrng DrRp 38.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow RomanticRp 38.000
Emina Bwm Loose Ebony 04 DrRp 38.000
Emina Bwm Loose Amber 03 DrRp 38.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake LatteRp 41.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake MeringueRp 41.000
Emina City Chic CC Cake LatteRp 42.000
Emina City Chic CC Cake ButterscotchRp 42.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Violet Berry One sizeRp 42.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 03 AmberRp 42.000
Emina City Chic CC Cake PeachRp 42.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Marshmallow LadyRp 42.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 01 FairRp 42.000
Emina Bare With Me Loose Powder Fair 01Rp 42.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake MeringueRp 42.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 02 Light BeigeRp 44.000
Emina City Chic CC Cake Latte 12gRp 44.000
Emina Cty Chic Cc Ck Bsct DrRp 45.000
Emina Bare With Me Loose Powder Ebony 04Rp 46.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Marshmallow LadyRp 46.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Vio BerryRp 44.000
Emina Cheeklit Blush On Cherry BlossomRp 46.000
Emina Bare With Me Loose Powder Light Beige 02Rp 46.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 01 FairRp 46.000
Emina Beauty Bliss BB Cream Light 20mlRp 48.000
Emina Bare With Me Compact Powder Amber 03Rp 48.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed BlushRp 54.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lip Scrub 4,2gRp 54.000
Emina City Chic CC Cake Latte 12gRp 54.000
Emina City Chic Cake PeachRp 54.000
Emina City Chic Cake ButterscotchRp 54.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lip ScrubRp 59.000
Emina City Chic Cake MeringueRp 59.000
Emina Bare with Me Compact Powder 04 EbonyRp 59.000
Emina Bare with Me Compact Powder 03 EbonyRp 59.000
Emina City Chic Cake LatteRp 59.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 04 Ebony 14gRp 59.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 02 Light Beige 14gRp 59.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 01 Fair 14gRp 59.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Compact Powder 03 Amber 14gRp 59.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 02 Light BeigeRp 65.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 01 FairRp 65.000
Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder 04 EbonyRp 66.000
Emina City Chic Cc -Cake PeachRp 89.000
Emina Lip Balm Shopaholic QueenRp 95.000
Emina Two Pieces PackageRp 97.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush Cherry BlossomRp 104.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush Marshmallow LadyRp 104.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush Sugar CaneRp 104.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush Violet BerryRp 104.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake ButterscotchRp 110.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake MeringueRp 110.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake LatteRp 110.000
Emina City Chic Cc Cake PeachRp 112.000
Emina Mineral Loose Powder 01 FairRp 113.000
Emina Mineral Loose Powder 03 AmberRp 117.000
Emina Mineral Loose Powder 04 EbonyRp 117.000
Emina Mineral Loose Powder 02 Light BeigeRp 117.000
Emina Cheeklit Pressed Blush & City Chic CC Cake PackageRp 124.000
Lipstik dan Lip Balm EminaHarga
Emina Oh So Kissable! 08 Fantasti-ChoRp 20.000
Emina Oh So Kissable! 09 Orange SlushRp 20.000
Emina lips/kiss jazzberry jamRp 24.000
Emina Lips/Kiss Flame PeaRp 24.000
Emina Lips/Kiss Cherry PieRp 24.000
Emina Lp/Crm Emily Peac03 (Dr)Rp 34.000
Emina Creme De La Creme Lipstick 02 Emmas NudeRp 34.000
Emina Creme De La Creme Lipstick 01 Mandys PinkRp 34.000
Emina Creme De La Creme Lipstick 05 Charlottes RedRp 34.000
Emina Lp/Crm Emma Nude02 (Dr)Rp 34.000
Emina Creammatte TumbleWeed 07 5.5 grRp 36.000
Emina Lp/Crm Chlo Fcsia 06 (Dr)Rp 38.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 09 Orange SlushRp 39.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 08 Fantasti ChoRp 39.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 10 Pink BerryRp 39.000
Emina Lp/Crm Mandy Pink 01 (Dr)Rp 39.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Carnation PinkRp 41.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Butterry NudeRp 41.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Cerise RedRp 41.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 08 Fantasti Cho 3.4grRp 42.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 09 Orange Slush 3.4grRp 42.000
Emina Lp Shn Lq Crtn Pink (Dr)Rp 42.000
Emina Lip Shn Liq Btry Nd (Dr)Rp 43.000
Emina Oh So Kissable 07 Jelly Blush 3.4grRp 45.000
Emina Lp/Crm Chrlot Red05 (Dr)Rp 49.000
Emina Lp/Crm Sophi Orng04 (Dr)Rp 49.000
Emina Lip Balm Library QueenRp 52.000
Emina Lip Balm Socialite QueenRp 52.000
Emina Lip Balm Shopaholic QueenRp 52.000
Emina L/Balm Summer Queen (Dr)Rp 52.000
Emina L/Balm Dncing Queen (Dr)Rp 52.000
Emina Lip Balm Shopaholic QueenRp 52.000
Emina Lip Balm Picnic QueenRp 52.000
Emina Lip Balm Socialite QueenRp 52.000
Emina Lip Liquid Shine Cerise Red 4.5mlRp 54.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lipstick 01 Pink Velvet 3.8grRp 57.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lipstick 02 Cookie Dough 3.8grRp 57.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lipstick 03 Cherry Bomb 3.8grRp 57.000
Emina Sugar Rush Lipstick 04 Maroon Macaroon 3.8grRp 57.000
Emina Creamatte 01 Choco LavaRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte 02 Fuzzy WuzzyRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte 03 MauvelousRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte 04 FrostbiteRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte 06 Jelly BeanRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte 07 TumbleWeedRp 59.000
Emina Creamatte Lipstik FlamingoRp 61.000
Emina Creamatte Lipstik ChocolavaRp 61.000
Emina Lp Shn Liq Wneberry (Dr)Rp 67.000
Emina Lip Colour Balm Picnic QueenRp 68.000
Emina Creamatte 03 Mauvelous 5.5grRp 70.000
Emina Creamatte 04 Frostbite 5.5grRp 69.000
Emina Creamatte 05 Flamingo 5.5grRp 69.000
Emina Creamatte 06 Jelly Bean 5.5grRp 69.000
Emina Creamatte 07 Tumbleweed 5.5grRp 71.000
Emina My Favourite Things Lip Color Balm Shopaholic Queen 2.5grRp 72.000
Emina My Favourite Things Lip Color Balm Library Queen 2.5grRp 72.000
Emina My Favourite Things Lip Color Balm Dancing Queen 2.5grRp 72.000
Emina My Favourite Things Lip Color Balm Summer Queen 2.5grRp 72.000
Emina Lip Balm Dancing QueenRp 89.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Carnation PinkRp 89.000
Emina Creme De La Creme Lipstick 03 Emilys PeachRp 103.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Butterry NudeRp 103.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow RomanticRp 103.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Cerise RedRp 105.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Wine BerryRp 106.000
Emina Lip Balm Summer QueenRp 110.000
Emina Lip Balm Picnic QueenRp 110.000
Emina Lip Balm Socialite QueenRp 110.000
Emina Lip Balm Shopaholic QueenRp 110.000
Emina Lip Balm Dancing QueenRp 110.000
Emina Lip Shine Liquid Cerise RedRp 202.000
Cream EminaHarga
Emina Beauty Bliss BB Cream NaturalRp 31.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush PinkRp 31.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush PeachRp 31.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Natural BB Cream Natural 20gRp 32.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Natural BB Cream Light 20gRp 32.000
Emina Cream Blush Cheek Lit Pink 10mlRp 38.000
Emina Cream Blush Peach 10ml One sizeRp 40.000
Emina Cream Blush Pink 10mlRp 42.000
Emina Cheeklit Cream Blush PeachRp 42.000
Emina Cheeklit Cream Blush PinkRp 42.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Bb Cream Light 20mlRp 44.000
Emina BB Cream Natural 20mlRp 44.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Cream Light 20mlRp 46.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Bb Cream NaturalRp 48.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Bb Cream LightRp 48.000
Emina Beauty Bliss Bb Cream CaramelRp 48.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush PeachRp 52.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush PinkRp 52.000
Emina Cream Blush Cheek Lit PinkRp 56.000
Emina Cheeklit Cream Blush PeachRp 88.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush Pink 10mlRp 98.000
Emina Beauty Bliss BB CreamRp 104.000
Emina Cheek Lit Cream Blush PinkRp 126.000
Emina Cheeklit Cream Blush PinkRp 136.000
Emina Cheeklit Cream BlushRp 224.000
Emina Beauty Bliss BB CreamRp 255.000
Eyeliner dan Eyeshadow EminaHarga
Emina Agent Of Brow BrownRp 30.000
Emina Agent of Brow HitamRp 30.000
Emina Agent of Brow CoklatRp 30.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner BlueRp 33.000
Emina P.Rou E.Shdw Nude (Dr)Rp 33.000
Emina P.Rou E.Shdw Rmantc DrRp 33.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner BrownRp 33.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow PurpleRp 33.000
Emina P.Rou E.Shdw Clrfl DrRp 33.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eye Liner BlueRp 34.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow BlueRp 36.000
Emina P.Rou E.Shdw Nude DrRp 36.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow ColorfulRp 36.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow BlueRp 36.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow PurpelRp 38.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow BlueRp 38.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eye Liner BrownRp 33.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eye Liner BlackRp 33.000
Emina Agent Of Brow BlackRp 37.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow GelatoRp 38.000
Emina Agent Of Brow BlackRp 38.000
Emina Eye Do E/Liner Pcl PplRp 43.000
Emina Eye Do E/Liner Pcl BrownRp 43.000
Emina Eye Do Eye Liner Pcl GoldRp 43.000
Emina eye do e/liner pcl blueRp 43.000
Emina eye do e/liner pcl blackRp 43.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow GelatoRp 45.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow PurpleRp 45.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow ColorfulRp 54.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow GelatoRp 54.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow RomanticRp 54.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow NudeRp 54.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow PurpleRp 54.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow GelatoRp 47.000
Emina Star Lash Aqua MascaraRp 46.000
Emina Pop Rouge Pressed Eye Shadow BlueRp 54.000
Emina Double Agent Eyebrow BlackRp 71.000
Emina Double Agent Eyebrow CoklatRp 77.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner GoldRp 99.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner BrownRp 99.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner BlueRp 99.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner PurpleRp 99.000
Emina Eye Do! Pencil Eyeliner BlackRp 99.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow GelatoRp 99.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow PurpleRp 102.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow NudeRp 102.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow ColorfulRp 102.000
Emina Pop Rouge Eye Shadow BlueRp 102.000
Emina Double Agent Eyebrow BrownRp 143.000
Emina Double Agent Eyebrow BlackRp 143.000

Itulah informasi harga Kosmetik Emina terbaru update terkini di atas semoga bermanfaat dan pastinya memudahkan anda dan menjadi inspirasi terbaik dari kami untuk anda, untuk informasi Harga dari beberapa produk yang hadir di indonesia lainnya bisa anda cek sendiri hanya di blog sederahana ini. Terima kasih dan selamat berbelanja.

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